Yesterday, as I was on my way to deliver training to a Law Firm in London, I saw a friend at London, Victoria station. He was on the phone. As I passed him, I squeezed his arm and said "Hi!". He waved "Hi" back to me and I went on my way. As I continued I thought to myself, "I wonder if he's confused at the fact that I'm here in my business suit obviously on my way to do some training?" A few people I know have misunderstood that I am continuing as a Freelance Trainer, still doing much of the stuff I did before, just without the Business Owner / Directorial / Managerial responsibilities. As I wondered, I found myself imagining him catch up with me and asking, "I thought you'd jacked all this stuff in? How come you're back into it?"
"Bread of heaven!" came my imaginary response. "Hang on!" I thought, "Bread of heaven?! What sort of a response is that?!!!" I immediately found myself racking my brains to understand. "That's a strange response."

My thinking switched. "That is such a strange response! It just isn't the sort of response I would give. So, why did I say it in this imaginary conversation?" (Even later as I recounted this story to my wife she laughed at the answer I had given, "Bread of Heaven!" She agreed that it just isn't the sort of thing I would come up with.)
As I continued to walk through the Station I found myself thinking about the imaginary response. What does "bread of heaven" mean?... Bread of heaven?... Manna... Give us this day our Daily Bread?"
I pondered a little longer, "IF it WAS God, what did He mean, 'Bread of Heaven!' Well, Manna was "bread of heaven! and there's that famous (Welsh) hymn which is all about The Children Of Israel (and our own) walk through the wilderness. Maybe God is saying to me "I will provide your daily bread. Training (which is what I was on my way to do) will be your bread of heaven.
There's a further, broader implication to this whole story that I had not immediately realised when it first occurred, and it relates to the Manna being collected on the 6th day. Reflecting on the story of the Children of Israel being told to collect enough manna on the 6th day for 2 days shows that God prioritised the Holy Day (holiday!) and as a result He made provision for it. Some very kind friends at our Church have offered us the use of their house in the Loire region of France during the summer holidays. Making the decision to go has not been straightforward because August is a quiet month work-wise and we obviously have bills to pay. There is a part of me that cries out saying you must remain available in case any work comes up during August. But I also have to say that there is a stronger part of me (call it foolish or reckless if you like - but I call it faith!) that believes wholeheartedly that God has called me into this situation and that He will provide for our needs.
Last night I bit the bullet, in faith, that God will provide for our needs and booked the Ferry from Dover to Calais.
From where I'm sitting it does look like God is calling me into a Tent Making ministry. From where I'm sitting God is saying "I will provide for all your needs." Watch this space! I'll keep you posted.
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