If I talk of 'noise' you would probably think, as I did, of the sounds that we hear around us - the exercise of the sense of hearing. But my realisation recently, during a time of prayer with my 'Blazin' Saddles' accountability group was that actually I am really not very good at creating the space and silence in my life to hear God's "still and quiet voice" (1 Kings 19 v 12.)

Have you ever tried to sit in complete silence, no sound at all, no music, just silence? But more than that, by silence I mean not doing anything... just being - submitting yourself to God with a prayer "Heavenly father, speak to me guide me!" and then just closing your eyes (to cut out the 'noise' of distraction around you) and waiting in silence. It's hard!... It's really, REALLY hard!!!
If you've been reading my blog you will know I have been seeking God's will for my life. I've been looking for his guidance in my experiences, in the radio I listen to (http://www.premier.org/), in the books that I read and in my relationships with others and the things they say, either as 'words of knowledge' or just simply learning from their stories and life experiences. I've been sitting surrounded by noise - and God HAS spoken to me during those times - but my realisation has been that actually I haven't been submitting completely to Him creating the space, the silence for Him to speak through his "still, quiet voice".
More than that, and as I write this I feel a mixture of shame, embarrassment and stupidity, I have realised just how little time I spend with his Word - The Bible! "Hmmm, the Word of God!" Maybe, just maybe there is a clue there for me in that name for the Bible.
I have returned to my efforts of (re-)reading Jack Deere's book 'Surprised By The Voice of God.' This morning as I lay in the bath (again!) reading I realised that Jesus on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24 v 13ff) when he met with the disciples after his resurrection, did not simply reveal himself to them and say"Hey guys look it is me!" But rather as he walked with them, he taught them from the scriptures, from Moses through the prophets.
"Jesus was telling us, right from the very beginning of the Church's history, that the primary way he will be known is through the scriptures."
Jack Deere, Surprised by the Voice Of God (p111.)
I have been blessed. so far God has been gracious enough to speak to me through prayer, experience, friends, books, etc. But I think... No... I know that he is saying to me, "Read my word! Immerse yourself in it and I will teach you and guide you".
On a couple of occasions I have tried to just sit in silence and listen. It is SOOOOO hard! Within a minute or two I have found myself distracted, doing something or thinking about something else. My goal is to work on this but to do it with passages of scripture. Read the passage then sit in silence and listen to what God is saying to me.
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