Sunday, 4 May 2008

Faster Than The Speed Of Change!

What a difference a month makes. My last post (my first post!) written on 15th March '08 set the scene but I genuinely had no idea of what was to come next. Boy, if I had known...!

So there I was feeling challenged about the life I live, thinking of ways that I could become more Christ-like and truly serve God in the world, then on the 10th April 2008 my business partner and I had a serious conversation about the business and the future. I hadn't anticipated the conversation. I had for the last 5 or 6 months been feeling like God was calling me to devote more of my life to him. I had even discussed this with my business partner who is not a Christian. He and I had even discussed the fact that I would withdraw from the business in 2 to 5 years time. But when this conversation came up I found myself saying, "Why don't I leave now!" This wasn't as a result of a row or argument...on the contrary Paul (my business partner) and I had been working increasingly well together! For a while after I had suggested leaving, Paul and I sat and looked at each other. It wasn't what he had expected to hear. But then, it wasn't what I had expected to find myself suggesting! I have a wife and 2 young kids at home to support, plus a mortgage to pay, 2 cars to fund, etc, etc. What on earth was I saying?... And yet, it felt... right! We agreed that I would go away and pray about it with friends and discuss it with my wife (Carrie). But in my heart I KNEW what the outcome was going to be!

Carrie and I involved 6 other people, asking them to pray (separately/independently not together... not at the same time!) and asked them to ask God for a clear answer... for a decision as to what I should do. Only one or two of those praying for us knew the something of my situation and circumstances. Only one or two of them knew what they were praying about! The rest we asked them to simply ask God for an answer, "Yes" or "No". I wonder what the statistics are on this. What are the chances of those six people, plus Carrie and I (so that makes 8 people!) all praying for an answer and getting the same one! "The Man from Heaven, he says "Yes!'." But that's what happened! ALL of us felt the answer was "yes" doubts... no uncertainty.

By Saturday 12th April '08 (2 days later!) both Carrie and I KNEW for certain what God was saying. He had confirmed to us that He did want me to resign my position as co-owner/Director of the company unequivocally. Not only that but he had given words to our friends that corresponded with each other. Words like "The future plans have not yet been revealed." and people having 'pictures' of Doors... "some open and some needing to be pushed." And one significant picture of the Apostle Peter walked on water. Peter was fine whilst he kept his eyes on Jesus. But when he became distracted by the waves and began to waiver in his faith he began to sink. (Not surprising that Jesus called him "the Rock".)

Within a week I had resigned my position, agreed an exit strategy with my business partner, met and discussed the whole thing with our accountant and the deal had been done. Within a week I had gone from co-owner of a reasonably successful company, to being a one-man-band... except that I was not on my own. What is more amazing is that there was little fear, worry or concern about the future. (There still isn't!) We have been assured by God that if we keep our eyes firmly fixed on Him he will enable us to "walk on water".

A couple of weeks down the line and it feels good. I am continuing to work for my old company as a 'consultant' which brings in some income...but more will be needed if we are to maintain our financial stability. But little bits and pieces are already coming in!

Last weekend I was chatting with one of the other men from church whilst away on a men's weekend. He was talking about Joyce Meyer ( and he quoted her as talking about the importance of 'holding on lightly to everything'. As I went away and reflected on her words I began to realise that in order to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and not be filled with fear and distracted by the danger (waves) around me in my new adventure, I needed to hold on lightly to everything - my car, my house, my past! I've worked for 16-and-a-half years doing what I do. But maybe, just maybe Jesus wants me to walk in a new direction to step out in faith doing something completely new! It would be easy to hold on to my experience and the things that traditionally give 'security' (house, cars, etc) to shape my future. No doubt my past will be of some use... but something tells me that actually Jesus wants me to 'live by faith' trusting in Him for my direction rather than 'conforming to the ways of the world' and relying on my own knowledge and experience to see me through. I'm good at doing it my way! Now it's time to find out how good I am at doing it His way!

I look forward with eager anticipation to see what the future holds. I think some Theological training may be part of that future... but I'll wait for Jesus to confirm that with me before committing to taking that direction!

Whatever happens it is my hope and anticipation that God will glorify His name and that through me He can bring His Kingdom to reality here on earth.

Like Jesus said, "Now is the time! The Kingdom of God is here. Repent and believe the Good news." I pray that I will be able to declare the same message.

Watch this space!

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